Bonus picture of the week: The curse of the shower screen strikes again!

The agent has not stinted on marketing.

The birds are singing, the music is stirring and the video is slickly executed.

What a shame, then, that the curse of the shower screen has struck again!

Here, following yesterday’s offering, is your bonus picture of the week.
picture of the week


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  1. Blue

    “The agent had not stinted on marketing” “the video is slickly edited”The shower scene is the least of the problems.  What horrid quality of images, beyond poor.  Video ? that is a slideshow of still images using Ken Burns effect.  Calling it a video aint fooling many.

  2. CountryLass

    That swoopy effect inside has made me feel a bit queasy….

  3. MF

    My goodness – it’s terrible.  Boring and off-putting.  And those birds singing, really?  A possible CPR claim in the offing if new tenant doesn’t wake up to that sound every morning…

  4. smile please

    I think you are all being a little bit hard on them. Not the most inspiring video but difficult with an empty property.

    The photographs are not the best but i have see a lot worse every day.

    I would also suggest they are doing something right, how many of you with a single office have 82 available properties………

  5. Blue

    A floorplan would have had more use / value.


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