Another million up for floor plan service – Metropix chalks up its nine millionth plan

The nine millionth property floor plan drawn using Metropix was done by Nick Stilton, a Domestic Energy Assessor at Somerset-based J&N Energy, who has been using Metropix for over eight years.

Stilton said: “In the eight years of being a DEA I have noticed that more and more potential property purchasers want to see the layout of properties before they decide to view them.

“I find it incredible that there are still some agents out there that do not supply floor plans.

“With Metropix you can create basic or complex plans within minutes at a sensible price, so why wouldn’t you?

“Congratulations on reaching the nine million mark: I am very proud that I have contributed to that total with a few thousand.”

Steve Sanashee, customer relations manager of the Metropix service, which is part of Daily Mail-owned Landmark Estate Agency Services, said: “It only seems like yesterday that we were celebrating our seven and eight millionth plans, and here we are today marking the nine millionth drawing.”

Stilton and his colleagues at J&N received a box of luxury cookies by way of thanks.


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