allAgents Customer Experience Awards to be held in Glasgow

Review website allAgents has announced that this year’s awards ceremony will be held in Glasgow.

The allAgents Customer Experience Awards Event will take place on 1 December at the newly refurbished The Crowne Plaza in Glasgow. 

Following last year’s ceremony in London, allAgents have decided to bring the prestigious event to their hometown in Glasgow.

The event will offer increased capacity compared to previous years, as well as an expanded exhibition area for suppliers. Additionally, the event will have a special guest presenter yet to be announced.

Every listed agent in the UK is automatically entered into the competition free of charge and is eligible to join on the night.

Martin McKenzie, director for allAgents, commented: “We are excited to be able to invite and welcome the best of the best to our home town and sample first-hand our world-famous hospitality.”

For more information about the awards click here.



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