A lettings business which has acquired the rental business of a local rival says it will now look to limit costs to landlords and tenants when the fees ban comes in.
Foxes Sales & Lettings in Bournemouth has bought the lettings business of Hearnes.
As a result Foxes has now doubled both staff and landlord numbers, increasing the number of managed properties to around 330.
Foxes managing director Damon Robbins said that the acquisition has strengthened its position ahead of the ban, and that the firm is now looking to acquire more small independents.
Meanwhile, Devon-based Collyers Properties has acquired the lettings arm of Regency Estate Agents, doubling its rental portfolio.
Collyers, which is part of the Experts in Property agency network, said the purchase means it now has more than 300 properties in its lettings and property management portfolio.
Three staff members from Regency Estate Agents have joined Collyers – Michelle Atkinson, Tim Norton and Sam Griffin.
The Barnstaple-based agency has also opened a second branch in Bideford.
Both offices will now handle sales and lettings, with the Barnstaple branch staffed by Kane Gould and Becky Charlton, while the new Bideford branch will use the former Regency staff.
James Collyer, managing director of Collyers, who will spend time at both offices, said: “It has been a hectic few months, but we are thrilled with the new office.”
Well done the Foxes team![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
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