Advertising watchdog closes complaints about Purplebricks

Two online agents, including Purplebricks, have been the subject of complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority.

New Broom, which trades as Purplebricks, had two complaints made about it. In the second case, the complaint is less clear.

With Purplebricks, two complainants challenged whether the VAT-exclusive prices shown on the site were misleading. Purplebricks agreed to amend the adverts to show prices as including VAT.

However, a separate second case is less straightforward.

According to the ASA, eMoov – itself the subject of a complaint last week – challenged whether the  claims made by Online Property Moves which trades as eMove UK “over 10,000 homes sold”; “£42,750,000 saved in fees” and “20 days on average to sell”, were misleading and could be substantiated.

eMove – which is not eMoov – provided an assurance it would amend the ad.

Russell Quirk said that “uncharacteristically”, for legal reasons, he could not comment.

In a third case, a complainant challenged whether estate agent Currell Group was using misleading images in an advert.

All the images used in the ad were from one area as opposed to another. The ASA said it approached the advertiser with the concerns that had been raised and it removed the webpage.

All three of the cases have been closed informally, along with a complaint against Progressive Property Ventures, which had used a handwritten-style flyer.

The firm has agreed not to use this approach any more.


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  1. Woodentop

    I don’t think I have seen a single web only portal ad on the TV that isn’t a misrepresentation. Considering the other article on Eye today about transparity on fees ….. who’s looking at who and doing anything about it. A common theme is these guys are showing themselves as more unscrupulous than the high street agents they want to close down. Russell’s hiding is more top do, as we all know, you have been found out.

  2. dodgyonlineagent

    What I don’t get with Purplebricks is how they get away with not stating anywhere that you MUST pay them regardless of whether you sell or not around the 9th or 10th month ??

    Surely that is misleading ??


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