Acute shortage of rental property a challenge for Scotland

Almost half of prospective tenants in Scotland have found it difficult to find somewhere suitable to live.

More than 1,000 took part in a survey commissioned by the Scottish Association of Landlords and the Council of Letting Agents.

It found that 43% of people looking to rent in the past five years had found it “quite difficult” or “very difficult” to find a suitable property.

The two bodies have now called on the Scottish Government to address the lack of supply by encouraging investment in the private rented sector.

Other issues raised by people responding to the survey included poor treatment of tenants by landlords and lack of value for money.

SAL chief executive John Blackwood said: “We are acutely aware of the need to introduce measures which protect tenants from poor treatment by landlords and letting agents and will work with all parties to drive these rogue companies and individuals out of the sector.

“At the same time, however, it is important to take measures which encourage investment in the private rented sector.

“Landlords and letting agents must be given the confidence to invest in the housing sector as well as be encouraged to refurbish properties and make them available for rent.

“They need to be able to evict tenants who indulge in anti-social behaviour or repossess properties that have been abandoned so that properties can be let to responsible tenants looking for accommodation and help meet the increased demand.”

A Scottish government spokeswoman said ministers were working with the house-building industry to deliver more new homes and had funded the appointment of a private rented sector champion to the new homes trade body, Homes for Scotland.

The Scottish Government has also been consulting on a new tenancy system.


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  1. Woodentop

    Maybe they should look in the mirror at what they have done with their legislation that has scared of investors? It would be interesting to see if there has been a decline in property stock.

  2. Brocket

    Congratulations Scottish Government and Shelter … you’re doing a marvellous job of turning investors away and, guess what, because of your behaviour there will be even fewer properties to rent!

  3. andy halstead

    The Scottish Government could not be more hostile to letting agents and in turn landlords. Cheap policy aimed at winning tenants votes is back firing, it was always going to be the case. A PRS that was working well for landlords, tenants and agents was interfered with by politicians who do not have a clue. It’s really tough for agents to carry out profitable business and landlords are considering alternative investments whilst rents have increased. Unless someone in government gets a grip with reality, things will only get worse. A very strong warning for the rest of the UK if the May election goes the wrong way.


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