Boomin officially launches today

Boomin officially launches today aiming to gain a significant share of the homebuyer audience by challenging the big three property portals.

The Boomin website, which actually went live yesterday, provides an alternative search platform that founders, Michael and Kenny Bruce, formerly of Purplebricks, naturally hope will prove popular with consumers and agents alike.

Michael Bruce, executive chairman and founder of Boomin, said this week: “Reaching launch day is a milestone moment in our development, some two years in the making.”

He added: “The real hard work is just beginning as we progress our journey. Our platform will never stand still. We will continue to test, learn and innovate to drive the customer and agent experience ever forward.”

Boomin will be supported by a major new advertising campaign.

The portal’s new national TV campaign will kick-off this evening, with the first TV ad airing on Channel 4 in a prime-time Friday night slot at 9pm during Gogglebox and will run the following night on ITV during Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway.

Boomin says that the national campaign will run almost daily over the next three years as the company aims to build Boomin into a household name.

The voiceovers for the three thirty second ads are provided by Brian Cox, star of HBO’s Succession and can be viewed below:

Advert 1: Boomin Sneak Peek

Phil Lloyd, chief marketing officer at Boomin, said: “Launch advertising for any new brand has outsized importance for immediate traction, and we’re confident that this campaign is the ideal way for Boomin to begin its journey.”

Advert 2: Boomin Matchmaker 

Lloyd continued: “We’re a brand-led technology business with deep experience of brand and marketing from the founders and across the wider team; knowing how to make the emotional and rational connection with consumers is in our DNA. Whilst our media investment will be sizable, the not so secret sauce is the impact of innovation and creativity [across our entire business and via our agency partners] that truly matters.”

Advert 3: Boomin Gold Bar

Lloyd added: “The way in which we’re presenting the benefits of Boomin in our advertising is key, and wrapping that together in engaging moments where ‘good things happen’. We can’t wait to get started.”


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  1. AndSotheStoryBegan

    The industry doesn’t need someone to fix what’s obviously broken (the portals) – it needs something completely new and this isn’t it!

    There’s very little here that agents can’t do for themselves – were they to brave enough to charge a higher fee for their service. Why share the fee for additional services with Boomin?

    1. KW

      They will go hell for leather with thier marketing and loads of false promises and possibly lots of breaking news announcement about millions of website visitors and the like to try create FOMO. They should have stayed out of this space it needs someone the industry respects to bring in the needed change and not poacher turned gamekeeper. This doesn’t offer us anything more than the others.

  2. Hillofwad71

    Third press release in 3 days on EYE setting out the times of the adverts in case we have forgotten .What must those at RM.ZPL and OTM  must be thinking of this unprecedented coverage?


    Unfortunately no contest with Fleetwood Mac’s  songbird Chris McVie who will be on BBC 4 at the same time tonight .

    1. Ostrich17

      We can look forward to PIE publishing Boomin’s first set of accounts to 31/12/20 (due next week 8/4/2021).

      How much have they really spent on developing the portal – 100 IT experts over 2 years or have they gone for a cheaper option?

      1. KW

        It would seem a case of too many cooks spoilt the broth. With that number working on it along with top of their game marketing team and other so called experts, I was expecting something truly outstanding. Disappointing to say the least after all the hype. I would fire those marketing guys for those dreadful ads!

  3. Ostrich17

    Strike (Housesimple) have published their accounts to 31/3/2020.


    Another online success story – £50 million spaffed trying to “disrupt” the market.

    1. Dick Value

      A whole year out of date too, wonder what heights the P&L account has reached by 31/03/21? The ‘going concern’ status has to be re-assessed by 30/06/21, will there still be resources to continue trading?

      1. Ostrich17

        26/3/21 shows tranches of shares allotted – they are tapping up the shareholders again !

  4. forwardthinker

    So many questions hang over Boomin right now. For a start it will  take years to gain traction with the public.

    Just a damp squib, feel like withdrawing already. Lack of a sensational marketing campaign, which is why I joined and if agents are putting Boomin stickers up on their window shame on you.

    Surely learnt from last time?

  5. Truthspeaks

    Went on the site yesterday,  it’s very poor and it’s not user friendly.  It offers far less than Rightmove.   After much fanfare, it’s a major letdown and disappointment.

    1. KW

      I agree, if I were the brucies I would cut my losses and invest in something else (another industry that doesn’t know or care about their history for a start). Unless they are using investor money then they can pretty much squander away to their hearts content as that is what most of these ‘disrupter’ proptec companies have done. Do they have investors or is it their own money they are spending? If the latter, then there is some justice in the world after all

  6. M Barnard

    Very poor UX on the site so far.

    Property search returns properties from way outside your search.

    Also, all properties for North Lincolnshire are badged South Humberside which was abolished in 1996!

    Very limited amount of stock showing as well.

    TV advertising goes live tonight. Any people visiting the site from their advertising will be disappointed by the experience.


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