Zoopla gets set to launch real-time listings

Zoopla Property Group is set to launch its Real-Time Listings Service which will allow its members to send updates to property listings within minutes as they are updated on the agent’s system or website.

The new Real-Time Listings Service was created by Zoopla and did not use Rightmove’s recently-released template.

Zoopla said its new service is flexible and comprehensive, and has been designed to improve the overall quality of information and features that are presented to users on behalf of ZPG members.

The new service will be made publicly available at the end of the beta testing phase.

It will also include a diverse set of data fields, allowing ZPG members to describe the property comprehensively whilst improving search and filtering across ZPG websites.

A number of software providers and ZPG members have been working together to test the service and integrate feeds, and it is anticipated that the first feeds will be live in a matter of weeks.

Property Software Group, which owns several software brands including Alto, Jupix, CFP, Vebra and Encore, has been working with ZPG on the development.

CEO Mark Goddard said: “With a high demand in the property market, together with the public’s desire to access real-time information, it is invaluable for agents to get their stock on the market within seconds of instruction.

“Certainly for agents on the go who use cloud-based software such as Alto and Jupix, it is something agents are increasingly expecting as standard.

“We’re pleased to work closely with ZPG in developing a real-time feed that will cater to the needs of the property industry, together with the needs of our agents to ensure their stock is accessible to thousands of property hunters quicker than ever before.”

Jon Notley, commercial director at Zoopla, said:“We are delighted with the feedback we have received from feed providers who we are working with.

“They are very supportive and excited by the imminent launch of our Real-Time Listings Service.

“This is an essential service for our members in a constantly changing market and allows ZPG members to make updates to property listings instantly and efficiently.”


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  1. Robert May

    Agents would do well to investigate the exact contents of any data feed to any third party. With all that is going on inthe industry before any agent signs up for seemingly beneficial new services they ought to be mindful of authorising phishing of their data.

  2. Ric

    More so be careful of the own goal for OTM/Z agents who have no control over which portal uploads first….. I made a right old boo boo accepting RM's live feed and now my stock is on RM within the hour…. before OTM no issues with this, I would manually stick stuff on within minutes anyway…… BUT now…… I need Encore/PSG to hurry up and sort out the data feed control…… come on, otherwise I will be hammering the invisible button come the 26th…..to ensure OTM is displaying my stock and hopefully we are selling them quick enough to show OTM is enough………..

    1. mh_edwards

      Given the amount of notice OTM gave regarding the delay, surprising to hear PSG haven't added what is crucial functionality..

      1. Ric

        You and me both, I have been asking for this for well over 6 months direct to PSG…… they say it is in the xyz update which is awaiting QC checks and implementation……which I read as, we have done nothing about it yet……. it is seriously making us consider other options for software now……..although I would still like Phase 3 of AM to be our own agency software……… to really take back control…. cloud based tied in neatly to OTM……what a happy little world it would be.

        1. Jupix

          PSG have been working closely with OnTheMarket to provide the delay functionality, as requested within their terms – these will be available within selected PSG products which include our cloud products Jupix and Alto.

          If you have any questions regarding the OnTheMarket feeds, please feel free to contact your support desk.

          In the meantime, we are also working close with our other portal providers including Zoopla to provide an essential real-time data feed to our agents who use Zoopla as their chosen portal.

          We hope this helps!

          1. Ric

            I keep asking and keep getting the same answer…… It seems from your response my fears of PSG pushing EncoreLive users towards Alto is coming true………..Can you confirm it will be rolled out to EncoreLive users at the same time as Alto users. Not to fussed about Jupix as I know it is available on that anyway……… So any news other than it is in the "production line" as this is all my rep tells me.

          2. Jupix

            Apologies, for not being clear – EncoreLive users will receive the delay functionality in reference to OnTheMarket 🙂

    2. Ric

      Thank you Jupix for clarification. It leaves me to ask when?……. We are 6 days off launch and I was keen to have control by then. This is looking unlikely I assume… although I thank you for confirming PSG are going to provide this. Much appreciated.

  3. Woodentop

    We've had had live data feed for over a decade. It has only been RM & Z tech that refuses it. Very poor catch up.


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