‘Incredible jump in seller confidence since General Election result’ reports agent-finding site

We would be interested to know if you are experiencing a ‘Boris bounce’.

Comparison website NetAnAgent, which allows members of the public to post up their properties and request valuations, says it has seen a quick and definitive upswing since last Friday morning.

Managing director Alex Thorpe said: “Since the election we have seen an 8% jump in listings compared against the same days last year and a 48% increase in the ratio of property that have requested a valuation from an agent through the site.

“We know from past performance that the ratio of vendors’ properties listed on NetAnAgent.com that then go to request a valuation is a very good indicator of future market confidence.

“This points to an incredible jump in seller confidence and possibly a far stronger start to 2020 than many have been predicting.”

Meanwhile back on Corbyn Street, residents are reportedly planning to ask for a change of name (they’re wanting to go Corbyn neutral) with  property pundit Henry Pryor suggesting that prices in the street within the Labour leader’s own constituency remain rather depressed.


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  1. TwitterSalisPropNews

     No major political party wanted Brexit. So whatever party you voted for, it was/is the public who wanted Brexit – they voted for it, twice. It was always going to happen. Even before the election, we all knew it was going to happen, the question was/is, will the trade deal be good or bad. So there is no new certainty which I keep reading we now have – have they forgotten the last 6 weeks was simply about an election, Brexit and the deal uncertainty remains.
    But as for the quality of the deal we can do nothing about it, literally nothing, so I for one will gear up now and have/recruit extra quality people in my business, and get out there now and take more market share from my competitors to cushion any blow – if the deal ends up being bad and the UK ends up looking internationally unattractive to invest in, once we leave. If the desl is good and nothing changes economically, then your business wins too, as you/we then have quality and more market share on top.

  2. GPL

    Nonsense from Net-an-Agent, open jar of self-publicity and apply liberally, spin, throw salt over shoulder and keep waving at Magpies!


    Brexit will be what it will be.


    Despite this car crash that has lasted 3 Years the property market is still doing okay. Well done to those agents that have worked hard, professionally and excelled at their customer service/delivering 1st class results for their clients. Good results in a difficult market don’t deliver themselves.

    2020 will be another challenging year however lets continue to show why real local/high street estate agents are the serious choice for those clients serious about selling their homes.

    The virtual/online only property listers can keep flushing millions to try and convince anyone they think will listen that they are an alternative to real estate agency. £100’s of millions flushed and the vast majority of vendors still choose their local/high street agents.

    Congratulations to Local/High Street Estate Agents everywhere, almost 95% of vendors know that you are their No 1 Choice when it comes to Selling their Home.





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