Advertising watchdog ruling: Local Property Experts ARE local AND they’re expert

Purplebricks has seen off challenges as to whether its Local Property Experts really are local and expert.

In the latest encounter with the Advertising Standards Authority, there were four complaints as to whether the term ‘Local Property Experts’ was misleading and could be substantiated.

This morning, in a new ruling, the ASA rejected the challenge, stating that LPEs are both local – even if they don’t live on the patch – and experts.

The complainants included PQD [sic] Estates – in fact, PDQ Estates, the Cornish firm owned by Chris Wood.

Plymouth Trading Standards and property consultant Alexander Dawson also complained. The fourth complainant was not named, as the ASA only identifies businesses or public bodies and not private complainants.

The four complained after the Purplebricks website featured a Meet Our Experts page between September last year and this February.

Text on the page stated: “Our Local Experts are some of the most respected estate agents in their local area.”

Below that, a banner stated: “Find your Local Property Expert, for the very best service.”

The page also featured a postcode search for Local Property Experts.

In response to the complaints, Purplebricks said the word “local” referred to the knowledge of an LPE, rather than their geographic location.

It said it ensured that each LPE possessed the relevant local knowledge in the area where they worked.

Purplebricks told the ASA that LPEs offered an equivalent service to that of traditional estate agents. There was no set radius that an LPE would cover.

Before joining, an LPE would have on average between five to ten years of experience within the property field.

LPEs were told they would need to pass all National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) Technical Level 3 exams and become members if they did not already belong.

Purplebricks provided to the ASA the CVs of all LPEs recruited in the last 12 months, to prove their experience.

In addition, all LPEs are subject to an internal training programme prior to commencing their roles. At the end of this, individuals were subject to a 29-point sign-off sheet, which was completed by the area director for that region. During the role, LPEs were subject to a number of quality control checks.

Purplebricks said that in addition to LPEs, it actively recruited for the Purplebricks Academy, a 12-month development scheme which included classroom training, field shadowing and an exam. This programme was open to people who may have not worked in the property industry before. It did not guarantee progression to the role of a Local Property Expert.

In its assessment, the ASA noted that the postcode search on the Purplebricks site would only display LPEs who worked within the requested local area.

If an LPE was unavailable in that area, the website stated: “We’re not in your area right now but we can notify you when we’ve arrived.”

The ASA said that it considered the word “local” would be understood to refer to an individual’s knowledge of the area, not their physical location.

The ASA reviewed 52 CVs of LPEs and found that 41 had over five years’ experience, nine had less than five years and two had no previous experience.

The majority had been in roles such as branch manager and property valuer.

The ASA also noted the Purplebricks internal training programme where LPEs were tested on their knowledge of the area where they would be working.

The ASA concluded: “We considered that because there was not a single standardised professional qualification within the property field, the combination of property experience, qualifications, professional membership and an internal training programme was sufficient to substantiate the claim ‘expert’.”

It went on to say that LPEs in more rural parts of the country would cover larger geographic areas than those in more urban areas.

It concluded that the title ‘Local Property Experts’ was not misleading because the “local” part referred to their knowledge of the area they served and not their physical location. The ASA said it was satisfied as to their expertise.

This morning, a Purplebricks spokesperson said: “We are delighted that the ASA has found in favour of Purplebricks and agreed that the experience, training and success of our agents across the country fully justifies the title of Local Property Expert.

“We submitted the CVs of 200 LPEs engaged in 2017 to the ASA, who had an average of 12 years of industry experience and all followed an extensive recruitment and training programme.

“Common sense prevailed and the ASA agreed that the years of experience and knowledge gained from selling properties day-in-day-out in any given locality is better proof of local knowledge than where agents sleep.

“Purplebricks seeks to recruit the very best traditional estate agents, who embrace change, understand the flaws in the traditional model and want to offer customers a better deal.”


Email the story to a friend!


  1. ARC

    Can’t see this being very popular on here!!Looking forward to seeing how it gets 70 odd comments like other PB stories and how people are going to admit they got it wrong as they are quick to say well done ASA when they ban stuff surely they have to support this decision as well and admit they were wrong?

    1. smile please

      The thing is if you think misleading the public is fine than you will think PB is wonderful.

      If however you are a professional full service agent you will think they are awful.

      It really is that simple.

      I guess you fall in the first camp.

      1. ARC

        No I fall in to the ambivalence camp as I do about every other agent in the country regardless of who, how and what. I am only interested in what I can control, my business. Though I do find the reaction to PB very entertaining on here.

        1. smile please

          As a business owner myself i find that attitude a little sad.

          You are fine with a competitor (i assume you do not work for PB) Having their advertising numerous times shown as misleading from the ASA, They have been on national tv for misleading the public for selling loans not homes. Latest statistic flying around is they only sell between 23 – 35% of properties they take a full fee on.

          As for the criticism Chris Wood is getting today, i know he is an acquired taste, but he is just looking for all estate agent to be on a level playing field. Nothing more.

          1. ARC

            Sorry to disappoint you!I don’t remember condoning anything. The point I was making is that on the rationale of metaphorical high fiving that goes on when the ASA rules against them were we going to see any contrition given this ruling.Also it is not a loan as no one is borrowing any money from anyone.

            1. smile please

              Ambivalence, turning a blind eye all pretty much amounts to condoning in my books.

              The statements PB (and others) come out with and are then found to be misleading are justifiably ‘High Fived’ it’s a pity more do not report illegal behaviour.

              It is indeed a loan. With Close Brothers. The deferred payment is set up as a loan agreement which is payable at the 10th month or completion whichever comes first. If you do not pay it you are hit with a CCJ.

              Given that the best ‘reliable’ source i have heard is that PB sell 35% of instructions, 65% are signing a loan agreement to pay for in effect a faulty product. And if they decide they do not want to pay for the faulty product / service because they feel they have been mislead they are threatened with a CCJ.

              So yes it is right we ‘High Five’ an ASA ruling.

              1. ARC

                It’s not loan as no money is borrowed a loan is borrowing that is then paid back.

                1. smile please

                  Its a deferred loan.

                  1. AgentV

                    Don’t Close brothers pay PB straight away, leaving the client with a loan from or debt to CB that has to be repaid in 10 months time?

                    Can anyone explain how that isn’t a loan?

                    1. ARC

                      If I lend you money you repay your loan to me.

                      If you agree to pay me for sticking your house on Rightmove then I haven’t lent you any money you just owe me some money if I pass that to someone else then you just owe them instead.


                    2. AgentV

                      What about if CB loan an amount to PB to cover the debt which they then recover from the client?

                    3. ARC

                      CB are not loaning it to PB as that infers that it is to repaid which it’s not .

  2. Andrew Overman

    My partner is Lithuanian and we travel to the country frequently. I know her ‘home town’ like the back of my hand therefore I’m announcing myself as the Local Property Expert!

    The ASA reviewed 52 CVs of LPEs and found that 41 had over five years’ experience, nine had less than five years and two had no previous experience.

    “We submitted the CVs of 200 LPEs engaged in 2017 to the ASA, who had an average of 12 years of industry experience and all followed an extensive recruitment and training programme.

    Well which is it?

  3. JustPlainSavage04

    Chris, what are you and your buddies going to complain about next to the ASA?


    1. PeeBee

      The list, as has been said, is long and distinguished.


  4. Chris Wood

    “The ASA reviewed 52 CVs of LPEs and found that 41 had over five years’ experience, nine had less than five years and two had no previous experience.”

    Of the 52 CVs supplied by Purplebricks, < > 4% had no previous experience. In the complaint process a great deal of information was supplied to the ASA showing a large number of ‘LPEs’ who had little to no experience or did not live in/ local to the area they were covering. None had any nationally recognised qualifications to NVQ level.

    I have never claimed that all ‘LPEs’ were not good at their job, just that not all were, as was being advertised and that ‘expert’ is a very strong word. I am staggered and hugely disappointed at the ASA ruling but delighted that Purplebricks, despite being able to choose which CVs to supply to the ASA, have been forced to admit that many of the public are paying for an ‘expert’ who is anything but and, that the public and investors have been misled, as was the case with the claim that all of their franchisees were “qualified”. It is a hollow victory which may be viewed differently by Trading Standards who were co-complainants.

    What is clear, is that the RICS and NAEA now face a potential loss of paying members having failed to support genuinely qualified and experienced agents. Why go to the bother of taking qualifications and paying for membership of a professional organisation when you can just call yourself an expert?

    1. dompritch134

      This is rather churlish, the average LPE was found to have over 12 years experience, perhaps your personal grudge may be clouding your judgment?

      1. Chris Wood

        The average surgeon has 12 years experience but there’s a chance you may have me operating on your mother today Sir. I’m very keen but haven’t done this before.

        Your golf lessons, did you employ a Pro’? Would you have been happy if they had taken money from you having never played golf in their lives before? Etc etc etc.

        1. Andrew Overman

          Here comes the Dick & Dom show….

    2. JustPlainSavage04

      Feeling a bit touchy today Chris? Really can’t think why.

    3. TheHybridAgent

      Day by day hour by hour you’re losing your personal battle… Its actually quite amusing

      1. Property Pundit

        It’s ‘losing’ and far from it. Keep up.

        1. TheHybridAgent

          I have corrected my typo for you two keyboard warriors!


          1. Property Pundit


      2. Andrew Overman

        …and minute by minute you’re losing the ability to spell!

      3. RealAgent

        Word of advice Hybrid, when going for a put down it backfires when you display ignorance by using the word loosing when the word you wanted was LOSING!

        1. Property Pundit

          Same with people who use the word judgement when it should be judgment (see above).

        2. TheHybridAgent

          Brilliant… 3 Keyboard warriors!

          1. Property Pundit

            Grammar and spelling police please.

    4. JustPlainSavage04

      Next complaint to the ASA by Chris;

      The Purple isn’t actually Purple

      and the Bricks aren’t actually bricks.

      The irony is, your so called facts are misleading Chris!

      1. Property Pundit

        Are you eleven?

        1. Andrew Overman

          …or JustPlainStupid

      2. Thomas Flowers

        Actually, those two points are correct.

        That’s an idea.

        Would it be quicker to list fair and reasonable marketing that has not been ruled against by the ASA?


    5. AgentV

      When I was at secondary school I remember going outside one lunchtime and seeing the older bully wandering around the playground surrounded by 100 kids, just waiting to batter me….because I had fouled him the day before in a football game (I caught him as he went past me). I wasn’t ‘hard’ as we used to say….because I never wanted to hurt anyone else in my life.

      Not wishing to be made a spectacle of, in front of pretty much the whole school, I turned  tail, and went back inside up to my class to do homework.

      You have to say that Chris has come on PIE today knowing that he was probably going to get a good kicking from the PB supporters club crew…..taking turns to step in with the next blow, whilst egging each other on, and laughing and joking between themselves.

      Fair play to Chris…my hat is off in admiration to a brave guy standing up for what many, many of us believe in!

      1. cyberduck46



        This is nothing to do with bullying.


        I am a private investor and I find much of what Chris says misleading and hypocritical. His pre-occupation with PurpleBricks in an industry which has a lot of more serious problems shows to me there is an ulterior motive and he has also mentioned collaborators behind the scenes.




        “Thank you. It’s taken two odd years of incredibly hard work by a small group of agents from right across the UK including employees, managers, an industry supplier and an MD of a well known brand, to reach a point where we are able to show that initial concerns and suspicions are now being proven well-founded”





        1. AgentV

          Carry on Cyberduck…… you seem to have as much a preoccupation with CW as you claim he has with PB. That’s what we all see.

          We all have vested interests in this….our family supporting incomes, our livelihoods. You look at it from a profit making investor point of view. I like the idea of a future of small local community businesses providing good interesting jobs for our children and grand children.

          Investors like a future of big conglomerate companies maximising profits and share price by creating a low skilled low paid work base.

          We will never see eye to eye on any of this.

          However you carry on with your cyber stalking of an individual that the rest of us know is trying to defend above all else ‘client service’. None of us take any real notice of it …but hey, whatever presses your keys.

          1. cyberduck46

            I have no problem with anybody defending client service but that’s not what it looks like because if that was the case then there would be more time spent on addressing the more serious issues in your industry such as overvaluing, price fixing, lack of transparency, agents who give priority to buyers using their services, etc.


            Also, anybody who acted properly would establish their facts before publishing. Chris Wood clearly doesn’t do this and that is the other issue.


            Damage is being done by these unsubstantiated claims and this is not just to the likes of the company owners but small investors. This morning I have seen trades of 64, 32, 48, 48 and 55 shares so most likely people with modest amounts to invest.


            So please don’t play the victim and go on about livelihoods. We are all interested in our livelihoods and what we can provide for our children. Pretty much everybody with a pension is an investor, most likely investing in banks, tobacco companies, mining companies on the African continent, etc. etc.


            In my case I have a very modest pension and my other investments are my only source of income.

            1. PeeBee

              “In my case I have a very modest pension…”

              Subjective – what in your opinion is “a very modest pension” could well be more than the family income of many.

              “…and my other investments are my only source of income.”

              Good reason to fluff up the feathers of one particular ‘investment’ opportunity that you have already ducked in and out of on at least two occasions already.

              1. PeeBee

                Please note this was not posted to enter into debate – purely plain, simple points of relevance to add to the general discussion.

                Don’t waste your time on them.

            2. AgentV

              In my case I have a very modest pension and my other investments are my only source of income.

              Then don’t accuse other people of playing the victim and then play the ‘defending my income’ card yourself. isn’t that a word beginning with H.

              But trust me when I say this for the good of all small investors…..if it were me, with what I have seen and know, and what is coming….I would not invest any money in any ‘online lister’ model if you can’t afford to lose your investment. I can’t say why, because that would be giving the game away, and it’s only my opinion, but if it were me…… I just wouldn’t do it.




              1. cyberduck46

                AgentV, I’m not sure where you get the idea I’m defending my income. I don’t own shares in PurpleBricks.


                I can just as easily place a spread bet on their share price dropping as buy the shares so I can make money from their success or failure. So the motive behind my comments that you are looking for is in fact not there 🙂


                My comments relate to the damage being done to investors in PurpleBricks from the unsubstantiated claims being made. Oh, and let’s not forget the damage being done by what we’ve been hearing for a long time “what’s coming”.


                Originally it was a scandal about portaljuggling. Then we were supposed to believe there was so much duplication of listings that they wouldn’t in fact increase listings by about 100% year on year. Then TrustPilot poured cold water on the claims that PurpleBricks were acting improperly in regard to reviews.


                One thing still not out there is the completion to listing ratio but I’d be cautious about believing what you hear in regard to this.


                Anything else?


                Whatever difficulties arrive for PurpleBricks the reaction you expect may again not be what actually happens and even if it is then they can adapt can’t they? There’s along way to go and investors have put some serious money in so are unlikely to walk away if more money is needed.





                1. AgentV

                  Lets wait and see shall we! time will tell.

                  I only believe what I hear from reliable sources.

                  By the way, I didn’t say you had shares in any online lister….I was referring to your comments about small investors.

    6. cyberduck46



      What is actually misleading is somebody who pays for a document to be checked over by the “Plain English Campaign” which allows them to put that logo on that specific document to show it has been accredited…


      “The Honesty Crystal Mark can only be used on the document we approve (the Document).”


      That person then pins a logo of this certification to the top of his twitter feed, thereby misleading readers into thinking they are the bastions of honesty and clarity.


      What would you say if PurpleBricks did this? Paid £500 for a document to be checked and then put the certification on their adverts?



    7. Thomas Flowers

      Chris, the good news appears to be, that as a local proper property expert, you can now extend your operating area to say Woolacombe 122 miles away with your ‘local’ branch base in Helston?

      How about the use of the word ‘proper estate agent’?

      If someone is paid more to list a property than to sell/complete on it, human nature dictates that the use of that term may be misleading?

      Should ‘proper estate agents’ only get paid in full on completion of the deal?

      There surely has to be clarification from TPO and NTSEAT on the use of this term or else no sale, no charge is in danger of becoming obsolete to the considerable detriment of all property owners?



  5. dompritch134

    ASA with an excellent and correct ruling, it was quite clear that the LPE are recruited with substantial industry experience.

    200 CV submitted and an average of 12 years experience is pretty damn impressive.

    i think PB should include this in some of its marketing literature.

    1. Property Pundit

      This is rather churlish,  perhaps your personal obsession with purplebricks may be clouding your judgement?’

    2. PeeBee

      “ASA with an excellent and correct ruling… 200 CV submitted…

      Thing is, dom-boy, PurpleBricks employed some THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY “LPEs” in the 12 month period to September (source: Purplebricks).

      So – they handed over approximately sixty percent of the years’ intake of CVs for scrutiny – and the ASA had a peek at 26% of those to back up their “findings”.

      That’s ONE IN SIX employed.  No cherry-picking there, of course…

      And also, of course, no-one makes up porkies on their CVs…

      “Come on PeeBee, did you never exaggerate your experience & qualifications when looking for a job? I’d be surprised if 95% of people hadn’t lied or exaggerated when looking for a job.” (credit: cyberduck46)

      The answer to that question by the way was ‘Nope – never.  Not once.’

      In a post a little above this particular string you asked Chris Wood

      “…perhaps your personal grudge may be clouding your judgment?”

      Am I correct that you are somehow making an assumption that Chris – or anyone else involved in this long-standing battle for fair-play – has a personal axe to grind with a company?  Or a person within that company?  Or is it an entire subdivision of an industry you believe we have targeted for ‘personal’ reasons?  Please enlighten – what possible beef could we have – and with whom or what?

      And while you’re on – perhaps you should reconfirm that the clouding of your own personal judgement in this has nothing whatsoever to do with anything other than a shareholding interest.

  6. cyberduck46

    >Purplebricks said that in addition to LPEs, it actively recruited for the Purplebricks Academy, a 12-month development scheme which included classroom training, field shadowing and an exam. This programme was open to people who may have not worked in the property industry before. It did not guarantee progression to the role of a Local Property Expert.


    Funny that I can remember Chris Wood putting an advert up on his blog which didn’t state they were looking for a LPE but then went on to say about PurpleBricks ‘were only recently advertising for new LPEs’ to join the firm with an immediate start but with “no experience required”’


    So Chris jumping to conclusions and misleading his readers there in the article entitled “PurpleBricks What is Really Going On?”. Good work Chris.




    1. dompritch134

      Oh yes the article and LinkedIn profile which were much publicised as proof of his allegations.

    2. Estate_Agent_Memes

      @cyberduck46 – you may want to review your investment in PB. If conveyancing referral fees are abolished then PB will be making even less profits than they are now.

      Great news for consumers as, morally, it’s wrong for PB customers to pay around £500 for conveyancing compared to if they went to the SAME conveyancer direct.

      1. cyberduck46



        I don’t have an investment in PB.


        I’m an investor and have held shares in PB and may well do again in the future but I haven’t for some time now 🙂

  7. Rob Hailstone

    I received the email below from a conveyancer recently:

    “My clients sale started 10 weeks ago and have only just heard from PB with:

    “Please can I have an update on the above sale, please can you let me know if the sale did proceed to completion so that I can update my records.”
    For a number of reasons we haven’t yet exchanged.”

    1. smile please

      Should have a bit of fun and say yes 😉

    2. Andrew Overman

      @Rob, he should confirm that it has and watch the carnage unfold as the “expert” explains that one away!

  8. Robert May

    Maths isn’t a strong point for the ASA but fortunately for them  they are self governing so there’s no appeal or escalation process. What they say goes and they don’t like anyone to challenge their decisions. I have been waiting over two years for an escalation of my complaint to them on this subject but unlike agency there is no redress process. They are a self protecting quango and there is nothing that can be done about it. ( Apparently I am academic on the subject because I use my real name  and post on Property Industry Eye, that precludes me from making a complaint to ASA)

    There are  about  3500 local centres for estate agency. On average an  activity centre supports 6 branches of local agents.  An agent moving between activity centres takes a while to become established and competent in an area.  It is easier to transition between contiguous areas, less easy in separated areas.

    The mathematics  and practicality that ASA are overlooking is that with 500 listing reps each rep has  to have local knowledge of 7 distinct areas where most people can only  have enough detailed knowledge to compete in 1 and that is when they are supported by 2.75 other people.


  9. inthefield

    I too, take my hat off to you Chris wood. I really do believe that the purple bricks phenomenon is about to blow up in their faces. There are just too many skeletons in the cupboard. When it does, the social media gravy train that helped get them where they are in terms of awareness will help kill them. They’re already known as the Skoda of the industry and when the reviews scandal, disappearing listings, signing clients up for loans and real sales figures are discovered it will be curtains.

    Keep up the good work Chris.

  10. Woodentop

    A person with many years of experience and skill within a particular qualified field of study or work. 


    H’mm I can think of many employees that have been at work for many years and are hopeless. So are they experts? Length of services does not make anyone an expert. It is their ability, track record and supported by higher qualifications that makes one an expert. As for local, the layman would consider that to mean someone who works local, not necessarily live local. However it is claimed that there are LPE who do not live local, have no previous knowledge of their patch or higher qualifications which is at odds with being an LPE. The ASA case revealed that not all LPE fit this criteria, many did in the sample presented by PB. What someone should really have done is independently look at all LPE, not a sample provided by the defendant?

    1. Essjaydee51

      Sorry WT but what nonsense and pomposity as to your explanation of an expert!

      It has nothing to do with track record nor higher education of any league, I agree to the ability but thereafter the word expert has many categories but within our industry it can only mean that you and I know our areas like the back of our hands and have served in that area for a long time to know not only what is above but has got to know the people having possibly sold for them on a couple of occasions and of course have answers to most things local if pushed, it means many more things but never your breakdown.

      1. Woodentop

        Errr try telling that to the courts, the actuary, the professional consultant, litigator … the list is long. You clearly are not an expert on what is an expert, therefore you views are an opinion. My definition is the legal interpretation. You may have sold properties for many years, unless you can back-up with your credentials you are Joe average with experience … not an expert, for you may have been doing it wrong for years.

  11. VFM agents

    Why the constant focus on Purplebricks when you could be inviting criticism that your not focusing on your own business, I don’t get it.

    Purplebricks now have a golden PR opportunity, what a massive own-goal.

    By all means hold Purplebricks to account where they are in breach of any regulations, but they’re always going to pursue their agenda, regardless whether the industry as a whole likes it or not.

    At the end of the day it’s the consumer that will decide who they put their trust in, and I can’t see focusing on the competition is ever going to be a winning strategy.


  12. PeeBee

    From the “ruling”:

    “The ASA considered that many consumers would understand that Purplebricks was an online estate agent.”


    Not according to their ‘pottery class’ TV advert, in which the point is clearly made that “They are proper estate agents, real people, you just don’t pay commission.”.

    Unless of course that’s the advert they’ve had to change for being misleading… which was if I remember rightly AN ASA RULING

    But apart from that – “…MANY consumers would understand…”

    That means that SOME wouldn’t – does it not?

    So – where is the protection for THEM??

    No doubt they are the ones that dom-boy openly ridicules for their misunderstanding of what he clearly considers a wonderful company – who one day may just pay him a Dividend on his investment…

    1. cyberduck46



      Where’s the protection for the old lady who didn’t understand that she’d pay £4000 to the estate agent even if she found a buyer herself?


      Where’s the protection for those people who don’t know they can or are reluctant to negotiate with Estate Agents over the commission they charge?


      What would every person over the years who didn’t realise that other people were paying less than them for the same Estate Agent service from the same Agent think if they knew?


      These are the people you are thinking about, the ones who are less well-informed, observant or circumspect than the average one.


      There is no protection for them and there never has.


      I only see you concerned with a certain group of these people though. PurpleBricks customers. The country is full of people incapable of looking after themselves in all aspects.


      “CPRs’ breaches have a threshold: the commercial practice will be unfair if it affects or is likely to affect the transactional decision making of the average consumer” and “The important question is whether the business’s act or omission is likely to have an impact on the average consumer, not an actual consumer (who may be more or less well-informed, observant or circumspect than the average one)”


      “The ‘average consumer’ is someone who is reasonably well-informed, and reasonably observant and circumspect.”

      1. PeeBee

        Sorry – but from your previous postings you no longer wish to debate with me.

        I therefore won’t “waste your time” with a response to the points you fail to make.

      2. Woodentop

        So your argument applies to every UK or Worldwide retail company that offers a “sale” or “incentive” to customers. Why do you only pick on estate agents? Just like the PB advertising you are selective in your manner. You are looking like a TROLL.

  13. davehedgehog

    What about, Gas, Electric, Sky TV, mortgages, mobile phone users, builders etc etc are they all on your one man crusade for justice CD or is is just estate agents?

  14. Chris Wood

    To those who believe I and a few others on here have a fixation with PB PLC you might want to note that it was also Trading Standards officers who issued a complaint about this matter. With the workload that TSOs’ have at present, this would not have been undertaken lightly.

    1. dompritch134

      Maybe trading standards should worry about more pressing matters, with conditional selling and price fixing cartels to contend with. Surely this was a pointless and worthless excercise.

      Perhaps they were led into this fruitless endeavour.


      1. Chris Wood

        They weren’t led by me, however if by price fixing you mean a group of independent firms all required or in agreement to set the same price for a product or service by a supplier/ franchisor then, yes, you may well have a point Dom.

        1. Woodentop

          You wouldn’t by any chance mean a group of self-employed people getting together? I wondered how long it would take for someone to pick-up on this. The merry-go-round of being classed as an employee or self-employed seems to change sides far to often.

      2. TheHybridAgent

        The price fixing idiots forgot they had recruited each other via PB posts all over the internet. The evidence was incredible.

        We can discuss that a different day!

        Right now it’s all about the main man and his gang of keyboard warriors running out of things to complain about…


  15. wardy

    The thing is, we all know just how toothless the ASA is.

    The term LPE was pretty much invented by PB and is the basis of their whole business. I suspect the ASA haven’t challenged this purely because it’s such a big claim made by such a big company. They simply do not have the appetite to rule against something that would effectively bring PB to its knees overnight.

    In other words, the ASA bottled it.

    Hats off to you Chris, I for one appreciate your efforts.

    1. BrandNew

      I wonder if PB’s lawyers had a quiet word……

      Can individual members of a Quango be legally liable for damages caused by their decisions…?

  16. GPL

    “An expert, more generally, is a person with extensive knowledge or ability based on research, experience, or occupation and in a particular area of study. Experts are called in for advice on their respective subject, but they do not always agree on the particulars of a field of study.”


    Just a thought… are we missing an obvious marketing opportunity? ….at what stage do we engage and play the “game” ….instead of arguing against the LPE Term? …..use it along with your other marketing in your local market

    Selling your Home? Who to Choose? A Virtual Online Agent or a REAL Estate Agent? Call (insert your Brand name here), we are your REAL Local Property Expert

    Selling your Home? Trust a REAL Property Expert! Call (insert your Brand here) and talk to your “REAL” Local Property Expert

    “Use a REAL Estate Agent – Call (insert your Brand name here) your Local Property Expert”

    “Your Home… most likely, your most important financial asset. When it comes to selling your most important financial asset… Trust your Local Estate Agent… We are real, not just online …we are YOUR Local Property Expert”

    Thinking of Selling Your Home, your most important financial asset? Why choose “Just an Online Agent”. Choose your Local Estate Agent – your REAL Local Property Expert!

    Thinking of Selling Your Home? Pay upfront an Online Only Agent who DOESN’T sell your home? …or choose your Local Estate Agent and pay ONLY for SUCCESS!

    Thinking of Selling Your Home? Why pay for failure with an Upfront Online Only Agent? Choose your Local Estate Agent and ONLY PAY for SUCCESS!

    “Comissery or Commiserations? If you paid your Online Only Agent upfront then it’s Commiserations for you!  Choose your Local Estate Agent and you only pay when they successfully Sell Your Home”

    Selling your Home? That Online Only Pay Upfront Agent, that you paid and then they DON’T Sell Your Home? Trust your Local Estate Agent – we only charge for Success …when we Sell Your Home!

    Don’t pay an Online Upfront Agent when selling your home. Use YOUR Local Estate Agent, YOUR REAL Local Property Expert – they only charge you when successfully SOLD!

    I’m sure there are loads of other ideas out there however let’s not just stand by and watch the tap drip with the Upfronters spinning their yarns!

    All around Our Industry the vultures pick away and we remain guilty of self interest rather than collectively supporting Our Industry… so, before I drag my soapbox out again I’ll shuffle off …for now.

    Just throwing ideas out there…. Nite all 🙂




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