Countrywide board director to step down

A non-executive director is stepping down from Countrywide.

Richard Adam – who has an extraordinary 153 director appointments listed at Companies House, although not all are active – was appointed to Countrywide in June 2014.

His resignation is effective from the company’s next annual general meeting, likely to be held next April.

Countrywide said a search for his replacement has begun, with Adam agreeing to remain as chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committees until then.

Non-executive chairman Peter Long said: “The board of Countrywide wishes to thank Richard Adam for his significant and continuing contribution to the board and its committees since joining Countrywide. The whole board wishes Richard well for the future.”

Earlier this week, it was announced that Investec has taken a stake in Countrywide for the first time.

Shares in Countrywide were up 2% yesterday, finishing at 115p.


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  1. psychodrama04


  2. g4lvo17

    Really ? significant ? Who T F is this faceless gnome ? this is the problem with Countrywide, a boat load of Generals and no troops.

    1. GPL

      I think you should apologise to those hard working Gnomes in gardens across the UK 🙂 The word “Countrywide” has no bearing on gardens across the UK. Gnomes do good work, in all weathers and ….for no pay!



  3. smile please

    Shares up 2% – I am sure this is what Gordon Gekko called the ‘Dead Cat Bounce’


  4. whatdoiknow58

    Never heard of the chap either and i am a Countrywide lackey. Clearly given the current share price his contribution to the group was invaluable. NOT. Another jobsworth off to pastures new with a great payoff for 1 days work a month i suspect. Nice work if you can get it!

  5. Bluebell73

    This guy ‘steps down’ ! CW need to ‘step it up’ in more ways than one! Countrywide say they need to search for his replacement….CW replace nobody! They just ‘get by’ as cheap as they can with unqualified clueless staff. Give staff false promises in the hope that they will work their socks off for zero ££ ! Continue searching CW…the lights are low, mood is low, the water rises, the water is icy, its dark and cold, passengers jumping ship, the rescue boats have all gone, the deck chairs are moved again BUT the band still plays!


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