Property Software Group reports one-third rise in revenues as market swells

Revenues at the Property Software Group were up 30% year on year in 2015 with a big increase in client numbers.

The highly successful business reports it now has 9,000 agency customers.

It says it expects to see similar growth this year, with order books now full up to April and beyond.

PSG also says that there will be “significant” product launches this year, and that it will shortly be releasing the property management module for Alto.

In addition, a new module will soon be available to all PSG users for free, providing agents with what are described as “significant online tools to help them compete in the online agent space”.

PSG’s newest software release MoveIT, which helps agents monetise their clients more effectively with additional referral services such as conveyancing, mortgages and removals, is in the process of being rolled out across the PSG portfolio.

PSG boss Mark Goddard said: “MoveIT now has 12 dedicated staff and is growing fast. Take-up from agents has been significant.”

The firm has also made some major hires, including those of regional sales managers Mark Dickerson and Jonny Davolie from competitor Dezrez.

Mark Harrison has joined from Xperience as major accounts director.

The picture painted by PSG is in massive contrast to the downturn in the property IT  industry dating from around 2007, after which there was major contraction and the main marketing platform for IT firms to parade their strengths to agents had to be repeatedly cancelled.

The Property Computer Show went on to be known as Agency Expo but took a ‘holiday’ during the recession, but has not been seen since.

The Property Software Group has since gone on to snap up competitors, while PSG itself was divested from the Guardian newspaper group.

Its resurgence appears to show that it is back where it believes it belongs.


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  1. digital-fix

    Fantastic news; hats off to the entire team at PSG that work so hard every day to provide the finest cloud based software solutions to the UK property industry.

    From personal experience, this is a truly unified team that is executing a more exciting strategic plan than their competitors.

    As consumer expectations change, and the end-user becomes more demanding, more situationally aware and better informed, so does the need for estate agents to deliver a better service.  Technology plays an ever increasing role in monetizing this trend.

    The PSG online proposition is a compelling one; their trajectory and momentum signal an acceleration away from their desktop counterparts.

  2. PeeBee

    “PSG that work so hard every day to provide the finest cloud based software solutions to the UK property industry.”

    I’m sure one day they might well come up somewhere close to that glowing testimony – in the meantime for it to work all day for just one day would be a pleasant surprise.

    1. jamestoogood

      Hi PeeBee – as I suggested previously, please feel free to get in touch. I’d be happy to help you personally… James

  3. Ryan Grant

    If you were to look at their most recent accounts you will see they are loosing as much at 2M so the question is, how long can this go on before the owners pull the plug?


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