What an industry! Small independent named Sunday Times and Times estate agency of year

A small independent has been crowned the Sunday Times and The Times estate agent of the year.

Karl Tatler, which operates five offices across the Wirral, won the title for the second time on Friday.

The business won it in 2008, and seven years later judges said it was “an absolute delight” to give the firm the accolade again.

Karl Tatler, founded 18 years ago, was said by the judges to have a culture of reward and recognition.

Founder Karl Tatler himself was described as “an exuberant and focused individual who always begins with the end in mind. He knows how he wants his clients to feel, and he works backwards from this desired result to map out every touchpoint”.

The award for best national estate agency went to Countrywide, with LSL sister companies Reeds Rains and Your Move gaining silver and bronze respectively.

Best large agency was Hamptons, followed by Foxtons, and Andrews & Partners.

Best medium size estate agency was Howard Cundey, while Karl Tatler won best small estate agency, and Coalters took the title of the best single-office agent.

A popular winner of the award for outstanding contribution to estate agency, also announced at the event on Friday, was former ombudsman Christopher Hamer, who left his role at the end of November after nine momentous years of change and growth.

The judges noted: “It is fair to say that Christopher Hamer has been a driving force in shaping the industry for the better, and he will be sorely missed.”

Among the many other awards was one for best website, won by Daniel Cobb, and for negotiator, won by the amazing Jason Davis of Ellis & Co, Golders Green.

The judges noted that in nine years, he has only taken one day off sick, starts his day at 5am with a mentoring club, and is “a first-rate individual, local celebrity and trusted adviser”.

On one occasion, a vendor was admitted to hospital on the day of completion for a premature birth. Jason took over the move with the husband, even putting up a cot in the new nursery.

Best manager went to Kier Preece, of Waterfords, while best valuer was won by Philip Knight of Hamptons International.

The full list of awards, which were sponsored by Zoopla with Property Industry EYE as the very proud industry partner, can be found here:


Our congratulations to all winners.

Nick Salmon’s take on last Friday’s outstanding event, which included some remarkable presentations by speakers, is here



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  1. wilko

    Well done, a really forward thinking professional agency. Well done to all the winners. Great event, as usual, great speakers as well. Matt Dawson was a particular highlight.

  2. Bless You

    Well done guys.. iam not sure how these awards  work…they want you to buy a £250  ticket each!  for these events and say you might not even win…. how come the winners are always there for a ‘impromtu’ photo on the night??


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