Over eight in ten sellers expect property to be listed on Rightmove

An overwhelming majority of people currently selling their homes expect their property to be marketed on Rightmove. There is an enormous drop-off to the other portals, with the smallest number expecting their property to be on PrimeLocation, followed by OnTheMarket.

The Property Academy’s Home Moving Trends Survey, now in its sixth year, asked more than 5,000 home sellers over 40 questions.

One was: “Please rank in order the websites you expect your property to be marketed on (1 being the most important and 4 being the least important).

Vendors were presented with a list of Rightmove, Zoopla, PrimeLocation and OnTheMarket.

The questionnaires were distributed by agents themselves to their own sellers, so there is a possible caveat that the way vendors answered reflected their agent’s own marketing choices. However, the Property Academy says that a large number of participating agents were signed up to OTM.

That said, a total of 85% of sellers ranked Rightmove as the most important; 11% ranked Zoopla as the most important; 5% ranked OnTheMarket as the most important; and 2% ranked PrimeLocation as the most important.

However, OnTheMarket was ranked as least important by 66% of vendors, compared with 21% for Primelocation, 6% for Zoopla and 4% for Rightmove.

Nicky Stevenson, of the Property Academy, said: “This survey has particular relevance as it is exclusively about people who are currently selling.

“Over the coming weeks, we will be revealing further insights, including questions relating to online-only models, fees and other important topics.”

The full report will be given to over 700 agents attending tomorrow’s EA Live event.

You can also sign up here to get the report which will be widely available on Monday.



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  1. Iain Springerrr

    Well, you can prove anything with facts.

  2. Chrispy

    Brilliant insightful news story

  3. StatementOfFact

    Prime Location hahahaha.

  4. Bless You

    I d rather go bust then sell out to rightmove. Shame on any agent that went to onthemarket and stayed with rightmove. ZOOPLA is our david against goliath.

    Internet agents are already preying on your weakness.

    Remember rightmove needs your property to attract buyers.

    Weak agents seem to think that they need rightmove to find buyers.

    Your short term goals should be put to 1 side and long term should be to at least get rightmove down to £500 per month…

    you wont make any money until you do.

  5. Bless You

    The questionnaires were distributed by agents themselves to their own sellers, so there is a possible caveat that the way vendors answered reflected their agent’s own marketing choices.


    if you keep on with this kind of journalism i might report you for headline misdescriptions act 😉

  6. letmeout

    Vendors were presented with a list of Rightmove, Zoopla, PrimeLocation and OnTheMarket.


    Here’s the order, sorry here’s the list!!

  7. agentgreyed

    No real biggy that OTM is the least important, as it’s not there to actually serve the end consumers anyway. Is it?

  8. Titus Aduxass

    Regardless of the tiresome RM v Z v OTM blather – Can anyone please tell me whether they can prove that listing a property on any portal results in the vendor receiving a higher price for their property than they would do if the agent simply introduced it to applicants already registered with them? I don’t believe it it makes a jot of difference.


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