Agency raises funds for hospital after colleague breaks neck in car accident

Here is how one agent’s fund-raising event meant more than most to its staff.

Woodcock Holmes Property Management, in Peterborough, chooses a worthy cause each year – for example, last year it held a charity race night for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Last weekend it held another charity race night for a hospital rather closer to home, Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge.

They chose Addenbrooke’s because of their colleague Phil Hayes.

Phil broke his neck in a very serious car accident and was treated at Addenbrooke’s.

Phil had hoped to walk again within 18 months. The hospital miraculously got him mobile within six.

Phil is now back at work part-time, but still has a long road to recovery ahead.

And the race night? It raised £3,300.

Special good luck to Phil and to all his great colleagues.

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