Ministry of Justice data charts rising possession actions

Both mortgage and landlord possession actions have continued to rise in the current quarter, according to Ministry of Justice statistics from April to June 2024.

The number of landlord possession actions for all court stages have increased compared to the same quarter of last year.

Claims (24,495), orders for possession (18,436), warrants (11,172) and repossessions (6,927) have increased by 9%, 15%, 12% and 16% respectively compared to the same quarter in 2023.

In Q2 2024, 34% or 8,379 of all landlord possession claims were social landlord claims compared to private landlord claims (31% or 7,668). Some 34% (8,448) were accelerated claims.

The rise in claim and orders volumes was observed across most geographical regions. As in previous quarters, a concentration was seen in London, with 8,488 landlord claims and 5,782 landlord orders at London courts in Q2 2024, accounting for 35% and 31% of the respective totals. 

Also in London, there was an increase of 16% (from 7,315 in Q2 2023) for landlord claims and an increase of 32% for landlord orders (from 4,384 in Q2 2023).

The 12% increase in landlord warrants compared to Q2 2023, was accompanied by increases across all regions except Wales. The largest regional number (4,315) was again found in London, making up 39% of all landlord warrants. There was an increase of 33% for landlord warrants in London (from 3,248 in Q2 2023 to 4,315 in Q2 2024).

Compared to the same quarter in 2023, mortgage possession claims (5,343) were up 34%. Mortgage orders for possession (3,395) were up 34%, warrants issued (2,918) were up 9% and repossessions (854) were up 29%.

Mortgage possession claims have been steadily increasing since Q2 2021 (apart from small dips in some quarters).



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One Comment

  1. LVW4

    The majority of possession claims are by social landlords…

    Don’t see that mentioned anywhere by shelter, generation rent, or Labour.

    Will the new Renters Rights Bill apply to councils and housing associations?


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