Time is running out to vote for your favourite industry supplier

Time is running out to support your favourite industry providers at the Best EA Supplier Awards.

Now is the time to have your say on which suppliers you think deserve to be recognised at the upcoming EA Masters – voting closes this Friday 13 October, so cast your voice now to have your voice heard.

The survey, produced by leading training provider Property Academy, has already been completed by more than 700 agencies, with almost 2,700 votes cast.

More than 680 suppliers are competing to win one of these prestigious and highly coveted awards, as agents rate their favourite suppliers, based on how likely they are to recommend them.

There are four main categories – Best Large, Best Medium and Best Small as well as an Overall Winner, who will all be celebrated on stage at Evolution London on November 7.

So far, over 125 suppliers have been recognised by more than five votes. The top 20% of suppliers, as voted for by their estate agent customers, will be classified as Highly Rated, the top 10% as Excellent, and the top 5% Exceptional.

The supplier list will then be published alongside the ratings on the Property Academy website, as a guide to help agents choose the best providers.

Votes can be cast here before midnight on Friday 13 October.



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