Propertymark has given its support to plans for tighter carbon monoxide rules for residential landlords in Wales.
The Welsh government is proposing to amend the current guidance to include the installation of carbon monoxide alarms alongside the installation of a flued fixed combustion appliance of any fuel type in all residential dwellings, including private rented housing.
Responding to the plans, Propertymark said that while statistics show that deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning are relatively low, they are “avoidable deaths”. The organisation also pointed out that it is the view of some medical experts that carbon monoxide poisonings are wrongly diagnosed and under-reported, meaning deaths and injuries could be much higher.
In light of this, the industry body has shown its support for the Welsh government’s proposal to amend the building regulations.
However, Propertymark called for the amendment to also cover integrated spaces such as garages and lofts that contain a flued device connected to the main house.
While these spaces can be well-ventilated, the industry body believes that it is still possible for carbon monoxide to build up in such areas and leak into the main house.
Propertymark also wants the amendment to cover areas where a flue passes through spaces such as a bedroom. A failure in the flue, such as a blockage or leak, at such a point could result in carbon monoxide poisoning of occupants, the organisation said.
Propertymark agreed that flued cookers should be included as part of the proposals and said the Welsh government should also issue guidance to ensure that such cookers are well maintained and used appropriately to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Tim Thomas, policy officer at Propertymark, commented: “The safety of contract holders and all that are within a property must be paramount, especially with regards to carbon monoxide so by extending the regulations it will provide additional levels of protection.
“However, we know that for the private rented sector in Wales, ensuring properties are compliant and safe must be achieved in a practical and deliverable way for landlords and their letting agents.”
All residential buildings?? Good, about time owner occupiers were hit with this rule too.
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