50% off deal – exclusive reader offer for online estate agency training

Following the launch of its Consumer Protections Regulations (CPR) guidance course in December 2023, the online training and property qualifications provider, The Able Agent, has launched a 50% discount for all Property Industry Eye readers this month with the code E401AB3793 for the cost of £27.50.

The Able Agent says it has seen a record number of agents signing up to it with more than 3,800 individual agents enrolling.

The short course covers all the key elements of Consumer Protection Regulations for sales and lettings. It aims to cover the material information guidance, parts A, B and C in language which agents can relate to their jobs, as opposed to just giving details about the law itself.

Charlotte Jeffrey-Campbell, founder, and director, commented: “It’s positive to see that so many agents have signed up to the course, demonstrating that there is a real appetite to fully understand the rules, following the release of the full material information guidance from National Trading Standards (NTSELAT).

“It’s encouraging to see so many committed agents, but – as ever – there will be those who will fall through the net. We must do all we can as an industry to support compliance and raised industry standards.” 

For those agents looking to purchase this course as a standalone, The Able Agent is offering a 50% discount for all EYE readers this month with the code E401AB3793 for the cost of £27.50.

See CPR and Material Information Parts A, B and C – The Able Agent®, for further details.



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