Zoopla has launched a new national marketing campaign which includes billboards, buses and radio adverts.
The new campaign is designed to demonstrate the role the portal plays as being informative and useful when searching for a home.
Zoopla worked with award-winning illustrator Noma Bar who is renowned for creating ideas-led imagery, and the new creative skilfully presents a selection of numerical property facts, which are contrasted by an intriguing and nuanced subset of data.
The simple and bold campaign will run across thousands of billboards and hundreds of bus-sides until the end of the year.
Zoopla says that during the campaign period at least two-thirds of UK adults will hear the radio ads dozens of times on mainstream radio stations such as Capital, Heart, Magic, Absolute, Classic and XFM.
Alex Chesterman, founder and CEO of Zoopla Property Group, said: “Our updated approach highlights the scale of Zoopla, our useful data on every home in the UK, and communicates how we help users find properties available right now to buy or rent with very specific search queries.
“It is designed to deliver even more enquiries and exposure for our members.”
Zoopla in a Nutshell…..
Why bother?
They don’t sell homes…. Real High Street Estate Agents do!
Zoopla….. the portal that so many estate agents left!
Goodbye Zoopla, Hello OnTheMarket.com
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I really do hate to say this GPL but yesterday I got a fence sitters view of OTM (not AM) but with the added benefit of an understanding of how a rep needs to approach selling a service into the property industry.
It is enough to say that your enthusiasm and support for the project as an agent becomes something very different at the point of sale.
It isn’t really for me to say but on a strategic level Zoopla are doing what their falling traffic trendline graph dictates; they are doing something.
‘On the market’ has to be treated as a product of Agents Mutual otherwise the benefit of the affinity group are lost. At the moment the line between the two entities is blurred and one is detrimental to the other. In other words build and maintain a strong company and then concentrate on the product or service.
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Yeah GPL – screw the newspapers too. They don’t sell houses either – and the brochures! Stupid b*st*rd brochures – who do they think they are!?!
I’ve had it – I’m leaving every printers and I’m setting up my own. You can all join in too but you have to guarantee you won’t use any other printers – even Moonpig is off limits!!! That’ll teach them and their profiteering!
I think I need to lie down…
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HarryN…. you’re costing me A4 paper as I print your posts, perforate them and hang them in the Portal of Shame WC….. I can take issue with 2 of your legible points…. my Brochures?……. I can wipe the floor with you if you can string a sentence together that would be worthy of being one of my brochures…. and Newspaper Advertising?……. that’s where I spend most and I reap the rewards locally as do my clients. The downside of the internet and portals is this HarryN….. one has to suffer dealing with random folk like you.
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Taxi for Zoopla……..byeeeeee
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I’ve been dipping in and out of these forums for a while and have held off commenting.
Main reason is that increasingly the comments are dominated – clearly – by those with a vested interest. Either hysterical OTM supporters (who by the day are looking more detached from reality) or property portal staff (it is no coincidence that pro-OTM articles get around 30 ‘likes’. I am told that is pretty much as many staff as there are in the OTM offices).
In fact, this website is barely more than a playpen for the hardcore OTM supporters, which explains why the viewing numbers have dropped so dramatically over recent months.
GPL, your juvenile and silly comments posted about the portals make you look like an ignoramus. The diatribe at the bottom of the page simply confirms to me that you are too busy jumping around in the past to be focusing on changing your business for the 21st century. I pity your poor employees (assuming you have any).
See ya…
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When you say “In fact, this website is barely more than a playpen for the hardcore OTM supporters, which explains why the viewing numbers have dropped so dramatically over recent months” where is the evidence for that?
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Mr Chesterman?……I’m ignoring your “exposure for members line” …..and I’ll run with your….
Alex Chesterman, founder and CEO of Zoopla Property Group, said: “Our updated approach highlights the scale of Zoopla, our useful data on every home in the UK, and communicates how we help users find properties available right now to buy or rent with very specific search queries.
The “Scale?” of Zoopla……. scale for what? …..trying to generate income off the back of clients using your portal….. it’s simples really!…. you are The Meercat of the Portal World…. head up…. desperately trying to make money!
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GPL you haven’t got a clue what your talking about;
OTM or agents mutual are doing exactly the same, in fact OTM asked for a higher monthly fee off me than I pay Zoopla and don’t give anywhere near the same exposure.
it seems to me that OTM may be offering a reasonable fee to the larger agents or the one’s down south, but when it comes to individual agents or the ones north of the border they take the p.ss.
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Wrong said Fred!…… wasn’t much of a hit single was it?
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Was it a bitter and acrimonious divorce you had with Zoopla GPL, because you sure sound as though you are struggling to get over it and you want her back?
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I clearly have too much time working from home today however 4 sales!….. delighted clients, just under £15,000 in fees and all without you or Zoopla….. whatever next.
Do you think they could send a Man to the Moon without Zoopla?
And….. if you read your forum posts properly you would know that just under 200 fellow estate agents in my group in Scotland dumped Zoopla in January this year I don’t know how many others did)….. no hankies….. just a brief goodbye….. interesting tho that Zoopla keep coming back with ever cheaper or free period deals… so forgive me….. who wants who back?
The interesting thing to note that Blightmove have carefully kept off the radar and let Zoopla get rodgered…. Get Your Happy disillusioned.
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Wow GPL, two comments at 754, then you’ve come back at 800 fore another of after you’ve calmed down. If Zoopla had pigtails would you pull them ?
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After I pulled your Pigtails 1st DannyBhoyeeeeeeee.
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GPL We know you like OTM and not a fan of Zoopla, but please stop with the bashing, you are not converting anybody on to OTM with your constant put downs.
To start with it was humorous now its all rather boring.
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GPL, once again as embarrassing as an old man dancing at a wedding in his slippers, telling us how once, during the war, he was ‘quite the ladies man’.
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Do you know, while all the youngsters are getting tanked up, loud and embarrassing that is just the sort of chap I will sit down listen to and respect. I will listen to all the tales from the war and how he was quite a ladies man in the down time between being strapped into the back end of a Lancaster for 12 hours or in the week away from the front in the Western Desert where he had been for a full 6 years of his life. If he wants to dance in his slippers while wearing his lucky jumper he more than you has earned the right so to do and there is far more dignity and joy in that celebration than you will ever understand.
Have some respect for the fact he is passionate about something, but also how about offering something of your own to say why he’s wrong.
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We all love our Granddads, Robert, and I used to hang off every word of mine, but he couldn’t sell my house or discuss changing market sectors due to consumer behaviours or advances in technology.
Offering GPL reasoned debate is pointless, much like his bizarre hooting.
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You have a very strange way of starting a reasoned debate. “Hello you’re obviously barking mad and I have no respect for rambling old fools like you” doesn’t feature anywhere in Dale Carnegie.
I wasn’t referring to our Granddads and you are missing out on some genuine insight by disregarding and not comprehending what is making GPL so passionate in his total disdain for Zoopla.
There is an absolute clash of thinking between Digital and Agency; neither properly understands the other but what has to be remembered is who is paying the bills. Digital and all its advances in technology is a service industry and that dictates that people like GPL have to be respected because they are the ones paying for the service.
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Robot May to the rescue!
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Not really Harry, I objected to disrespectful post by Digital Expert and replied accordingly. What fascinates me; with GPL being in all your eyes an embarrassing fanatic fool how non of you smart digital folk have managed to dent his enthusiasm for OTM, subdue his disdain for Zoopla or counter his post with intelligent retort. You have all manage insults but non of you have got to why he loathes Zoopla.
How about asking him straight out; What is it about Zoopla you dislike so much GPL?
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A fair question Robert…..
I view Zoopla as a passer-by of sorts who pops into your shop, takes your goods to their shop to make their shop more interesting…… ultimately however they only wish to sell their goods…… and they charge you for this service?
To me they are the bandwagon portal….. they pose harmlessly in the shadow of Rightmove and seek only to bask in any reflected profit rays eminating from Rightmove.
If Zoopla’s service was free and we simply all chose to list properties on their website for free because we knew their real intention was to sell their own products or services….. then, fair enough. We now see after the drift of agents away from Zoopla that they have to acquire other business, reinvent themselves as the homebuyers provider of information…. whilst still seeking to derive profits from elsewhere….. and I accept the business case for that….diversify and try to multiply. For me…. I see no reason to support Zoopla as they are a poor and very much pointless No 2 Portal….. it’s sad for the Zoopla Employees hiding on here however remember it is your monthly paying members that pay part of your wages….. so, make sure you doff your cap at estate agents when you see them or speak with them
Rightmove are driven and they have managed to maintain their No 1 position because in great part Zoopla have offered up nothing as competition……… and so our industry has 2 portals supping at the Soup Bowl of Property….. charging estate agents for it, profiting from 3rd party related/unrelated services/products and developing their business on the backbone of the property that we agents pay them to supply to them.
In reality Zoopla are weak and virtually meangingless in that they are simply shadowing Rightmove and trying to develop services to create or meet a perceived demand which they in many instances have invented….. they are the roadbuilder who just keeps laying a road because they say it is going somewhere…… and as we know that somewhere is stockmarket/shareholdler performance by whatever invention of services/products.
Rightmove at least stand and look you in the eye and say we are shafting you and building our business and reaping the rewards and we think you will never do anything about it……
I could go on Robert however I fear the forum bullies will be getting bored as they haven’t thrown some sticks and stones for a while….
OnTheMarket has great promise however some flaws (noting we are only 6 months in) which need to be addressed along the way, albeit sooner rather than later……and Agents Mutual should step out of the shadows in some form although I appreciate the requirement to tread carefully.
As for HarryN…… in his language…. HarryN you demonstrate with minimal effort what an ELOHESRA you are….. but as you bend over and look in the mirror each day….. you can see that quite clearly! I think of you and your forum friends when I avoid you curled up and pointy on the portal pavements!
….and Robert…. you have a great deal to offer in my view, the question is how and when will the right people take notice?
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The “right people” delegated a request by multiple AM Gold members for someone to contact me down to someone who before the conversation began wasn’t going to understand the unique domain knowledge and experience I have.
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So open minds are closed at present.
Should we start a Crowdfunding Campaign Robert to gather money to fire you from a cannon thru the OTM Head Office Window….. landing on Ian’s desk!
When I spoke with Ian at a meeting I asked him the question that has been asked often on here from his detractors and he gave me a straight/honest answer which I have to say I wasn’t expecting.
So, it seems a straight question gets a straight answer…. sometimes.
To be fair…. since folk on here think I work with a Blackboard & Chalk I might struggle to understand however I would want to listen and learn….. although as I keep saying to certain people my advice is free…. up to a point….. then the meter runs!
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My biggest advocates are those I waited longest to speak to.
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I’m not used to this backward spelling insulting so I thought ELOHESRA was an anagram. This was the first one that came to me…
(HEA is what some people refer to High [St] Estate Agents as)
Made me chuckle
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Could you be any more sanctimonious Robert May? He comes across as a fanatic rather than passionate, which are 2 markedly different things.
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I don’t think it is sanctimonious to point out to Digital Expert that in trying to insult one person he used an analogy that deprecates an entire generation who gave so much for this country.
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Unless he is in his late 80’s/90’s he didn’t fight in the second world war, so what exactly has he given to this country? What sacrifices of his are you referring to? Do tell.
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Best ask Digital Expert he was the one who was describing GPL’s posts; “as embarrassing as an old man dancing at a wedding in his slippers, telling us how once, during the war, he was ‘quite the ladies man’.”
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I’m not disrespecting anyone, let alone the greatest generation that ever lived.
I was describing industry dinosaurs with whom it’s impossible to have reasoned debate, without him calling defectors silly names and badly coded swear words.
I post serious points, with a little humour. GPL’s posts are juvenile to the Nth degree. Impossible to converse with if you don’t fully agree with his agenda.
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Aah Yes…… the one who spins on his Digit!
You demonstrate your failure to understand most of our industry because of the blank screen emblazoned on the inside of your eyelids….
You wouldn’t know where to start unless it had a power switch….
You would arrive on Mars and look for a broadband connection, usb point and somewhere to charge your phone!…..
God only knows if the future of society lies in the hands of technology only folk!….. how do you kill a Dinosaur with your mobile?….. offer it up to the Dinosaur so it can make a call and then what?…… your call is in a queue please wait….. aah, yes…… run away, that’s the solution.
I’ll teach you how to interact with Human Beings and understand, knowledge, experience, intelligence, humour….. and of course technology…… if it freezes?….. switch it off then switch it on again!
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The aforementioned has a touch of humour….. just to be clear
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If you’re not disrespecting anyone you’ve got a syntax error in the first line of your code: “as embarrassing as”
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If I advertised on Zoopla then I would expect to see them on TV. Seems they are short changing their members by, yet again, not providing TV coverage for the site.
Re – enforces the fact that they would rather spend their big money in new acquisitions than really push their property portal in my opinion.
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Yep…..that’s what going straight to that divvy,
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ha…I really did mean dividend!
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Agreed, but when you look at the real spikes in any portal use, they go up if advertised on telly much more than any other medium. They may have done better to even do a short TV campaign rather than a somewhat diluted name awareness campaign on buses and posters and indie radio.
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If you look at the trend line of traffic for Zoopla and Primelocation both are downward; this campaign is designed to arrest that trend.
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Has z and PL s trend gone down because of the very large reduction in stock that they are carrying, so buyers aren’t looking there as much?
Promoting the site can’t get those properties back?
How much has RM’s trend gone up Robert?
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I will dig the RM figures out tomorrow, I didn’t pay much attention to them. It was the noticeable trend decline in both Zoopla and Primelocation that caught my eye.
This advertising isn’t about getting property stock back, their businesses model has moved on. This is about reinforcing and reminding people they exist, not primarily for subscription renewals but sales of their new suite of services.
(I’ll post the RM graph on Twitter once I have dug them out, I have been a bit tied up with a curious case of portal juggling)
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……..door opens…. the room full of estate agents, folk pretending to be estate agents, digital folk (do they balance on 1 finger?!)…… rightmove reps, zoopla reps, drunks, chancers et al… and many with good views, fair views, positive or negative input, debaters and so on….
Anyway…. attention please…. I can’t address each of your sticks & stones however I am no better than the best estate agents out there….. it seems however that many that throw stones have little idea of Real Estate Agency as they are not in our industry or view thru their Digi Goggles!
No dating offers please…. however I have just turned 53!…. no slippers, no pipe…… and I have been in our industry for almost 30 Years….. remember Dyna Tape where you pressed letters out on sticky tape to form descriptive sentences?…. yes?…. well I started in that era, doing just that when I was preparing a window card.
In 3 decades…….. nothing has changed for me in terms of delivering 100% for my clients, to the exclusion of all else……. I take monumetal pride (along with my staff) that we actually earn our fee because are estate agents and not salespeople working for their employer first and their client 2nd! I have the luxury of being a real estate agent…… and miracle of miracles it works!
Rapidly moving thru the decades we arrive with all our technology and property portals….. however these are there to serve me and in turn my clients/homebuyers etc……. however they do not rule me…… because it is me, my staff, my company who deliver the result for our clients….. including using the tools we consider appropriate….
and so….. in this particular case……. Zoopla and OnThe Market. Someone kindly commented that I bleed OTM… and in some ways I do because the current portal offering from our estabished players does NOT serve me well as a paying customer…… and that…. my assembled detractors is where I serve my volleys from……. as a paying customer, running a profitable, successful business and having been headhunted over previous years to take poorly performing estate agency branches and turn them into a success….. and I never did that without great like minded people who lived and breathed estate agency…. however I have consisently done it by being a Real Estate Agent using my experience, professional expertise, sheer graft & effort….. and some of the technology around us today.
Cutting edge technology can help save lives when used by a skilled surgeon…. however when a monkey is doing the surgery the result is likely to be poor!….. and when the monkey has another agenda, works for someone else and isn’t interested in the patient’s outcome…..well…..you know…… the patient may not be walking out of surgery.
So, anyone on this forum who has thrown stones in my direction?…… Hoots Mon!……. I don’t give a brown/smelly/pointy thing on a pavement…… however trust me on this……. if you were ever selling your own home and wanted a Real Estate Agent…. that had laser vision on acheiving the best result for you and only you!…….. you should get down on your knees and thank me for selling your home…. along with the many other Skilled Real Estate Agents out there!
When will you Portal People ever realise that Portals Don’t Sell Homes…. People Do!…. make sure you get a Real Talented Estate Agent/Agency that cares about delivering 100% for its clients and has the intelligence to see portals for what they are…… when I say Zoopla are useless for me….. and for many others it seems….. that’s exactly what I mean….. and I know, because it’s me who runs my business….. not the portals!
I have a similar view on Rightmove however it was Zoopla that got dumped first because they were the Portal Balloon of Hot Air…… and as we see, Zoopla are ploughing away again on advertising their brand…. for themselves.
Now, strap on your best St-Trinians Outfits and start waving your hockey sticks, stats, pc mouse, iwatch, gym membership card, starbucks cup, porsche keys or whatever you cling onto….. and remember, if you ever want to sell your home….. make sure you put me in your “Contacts” because you will be so much better selling thru people like me than Blightymove, Hoopla, EasyMoney and PurpleHair…..and all those other Virtual Sandwich Board Companies that make a lot of noise marching up n’ down the internet….. however they don’t actually sell homes!
I’m waiting………
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GPL I think you will probably find the majority of people having a pop at you are actually the same as you, estate agents.
By your own admission, you have a dire track record in portal choice, have spent thousands upon thousands of pounds on a portal you have ultimately deemed useless and are currently spending thousands upon thousands on a portal you will soon deem useless, whilst still claiming you only need one portal.
Zoopla have a declining number of properties and agents, why wouldnt they plaster their name everywhere? One thing they still have is brand awareness which your beloved portal OTM doesnt. If OTM had plastered their name everywhere you be on here ramming it down everyones throats and having a portalgasm.
If OTM is your choice, fine, good for you but you come across at times as desperate with your claims about OTM , and the Estate Agent scorned when it comes to Zoopla.
A bit of honesty, a true reflection of how OTM performs for you and less of the bitterness you show towards RM and Z would earn you far more respect on here,
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Okay……Okay…… I surrender…… I appreciate you Zoopla Employees have nothing to do these days however Mr Chesterman is going to be mightly p*ssed to find out that you have been promoting GPL and not Zoopla.
I’ll be signing Autographs as you walk the Zoopla Gangplank and drop into the Portal Pan of Shame!…………… flush!………. off you go!!!
The redundancy notices at Zoopla will be warming nicely as there is all that bus advertising to pay for…….
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There’s the School Playground Bell lads….. time to get back into class. Dyna Tape?…… you’re awfully young to remember anything like that……… Teletubbies!……. there you Disallusioned and Co……. back to familiar memories for you!
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Does using a Gestetner spirit duplicator and corrector fluid top trump modern tech like Dyna tape?
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I’ll raise you Carbon Paper for copy letters and a Teleprinter!
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Actually I used to send my cement designs off to rigs using one of those, some of the punched tapes were over 10ft long! Great until your chair was on the blessed thing that had taken an hour to type.
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Okay….. I’m signing off….. and as a Goodwill Gesture I have ordered my Office Toilet Roll to be printed with Zoopla on it….. to remind us all how useful they are.
To be fair……. if you use Zoopla and it works….. good for you.
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Okay….. I’m signing off
Thank f.uck for that!
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Funny thing, all this ‘digital’ age we are told we live in and the second biggest property portal is doing a load of cash on billboards and buses……….isn’t that a bit old hat for a dynamic bunch like Zoopla, aren’t hey supposed to be doing at online with SEO and all that and the stuff lads like digital expert etc seem to know a lot about.
We will have Zoopla advertising in the local press next.
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