Second political party to abolish letting agent fees and bring in rent controls

The Green Party has said it would abolish letting agent fees and insurance-backed tenancy deposit schemes.

It would also introduce five-year fixed tenancy agreements and rent controls and encourage the setting up of local not-for-profit letting agencies.

There would be mandatory licensing of all private landlords and tax reliefs currently claimed by landlords would be abolished.

Home owners, however, would get more tax-free rent by letting a room in their home as the Rent a Room cap would be increased to £7,250 a year.

The National Landlords Association hit out at the manifesto, saying it is an attack on landlords and gives “a one-sided view of the private rented sector”.

The NLA said: “The Green Party appears to want people to rent. However, it does not take into account the demands on landlords to provide safe and decent housing for those families.

“Rent controls have been proven not to work and many landlords will just sell up and leave the sector if they are introduced.

“Five-year tenancies will reduce the flexibility within the private rented sector that suits landlords and tenants alike, and this policy does not take into account the fact that tenants can ask for longer tenancies already under the current system.”

The Green Party’s pledge to abolish letting agent fees and bring in rent controls follows similar manifesto commitments by Labour.


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  1. Robert May

    This is a bit thin for a housing manifesto!

    What happened here?… Verity darling have a quick butch at the Independant, there is stack of of them  we’ve whipped out of  recyling bins  over the past 6 weeks, see what you can find on Housing.   We haven’t got a  paragraph about that, nothing too much just the trending stuff! I don’t think we  should mention yurts as a practical solution this time round!

    1. smile please

      That did make me ‘LOL!’ – However i suspect you are not far from the truth and i think it applies to most parties!

  2. Penguin

    ‘And everyone will be given a kitten and their own rainbow with a pot of gold at the end….’


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